Work Glove Guide: Every Thing You Need to Know about Labor Gloves

Work Gloves, known also as labor gloves, are an important hand protective tool for workers, right and high-quality work gloves provide not only a continuous comfortable working experience but more importantly with working safety. But many of us don't know how to choose the right and quality labor glove properly in consideration of each detailed aspect of a work glove, in this article we will let you learn everything about labor gloves.
What Are Work Gloves?

Work gloves are personal protective equipment worn during work projects, which are meant to save the user's hands and fingers from unnecessary wounds such as cuts, blisters, splinters, skin punctures, or heat and chemical burns. Our labor gloves are used in many industries. For many occupations and types of work, wearing labor gloves at work can not only protect the skin and joints of the hands but also increase work efficiency to a certain extent. Because most of the work using working hand gloves has greater strength, it will have strong wear on the gloves. So the replacement frequency of labor gloves is quite high. your work gloves must be checked before use to see if there is any damage. Especially for rubber gloves, check whether the lower outer rubber surface is damaged.
How Often Labor Gloves are Replaced?
1. The degree of corrosion. Frosted gloves can be divided into heavy corrosion operations, medium corrosion operations, and light corrosion operations according to the wear of labor protection equipment by different operations. The degree of corrosion reflects the operating environment and the use of the type of work. Bestsuppliers has frosted gloves for sale at cheap wholesale prices.
2. Loss situation. Frosted gloves can be divided into vulnerable to wastage, moderate wastage, and mandatory scrap according to the degree of reduced protective function. The wear and tear reflect the protective performance of protective equipment.
3. Durable performance. Frosted gloves can be divided into durable, medium-durable, and not-durable according to the use cycle. Durability reflects the material status of labor protection equipment. For example, flame retardant protective clothing made of high-temperature resistant flame retardant fiber fabrics is more durable than flame retardant protective clothing made of flame retardant fabrics treated with flame retardants. Durable performance reflects the overall quality of protective equipment.
In addition, labor protection products should be replaced regularly according to different working environments, and outflow is strictly prohibited to avoid accidents caused by misuse. It should be remembered that daily inspection of labor protection equipment is also necessary, which is very important to ensure the safety of personnel during the labor process. The use and maintenance of labor protective equipment should be standardized according to the requirements of each protective equipment. Use protective equipment with care to avoid damage. Must be strictly checked before use. After use, for the convenience of the next use, it is necessary to maintain it, and then put it in the specified storage place. During the inspection, if it is found that it is damaged or severely worn, it should be replaced in time.
How to Choose Work Gloves?
Choosing the right gloves is more than important for workers that handle machine operation or other dangerous working stuff in a certain working place where they may meet with certain eventual hand injuries, such as cuts, burns, abrasion
In those cases, a little bit of skin protection can always get you free from a hand injury, according to research data. gloves can effectively lower the odds of hand injury on a worksite by up to 70%. So the real challenge is to pick the right type of gloves, you have to know how to sort through so many kinds of gloves according to your workplace needs.
Below are some tips that can help you pick the right work gloves to give yourself protection on the work site
Choosing the Material
The material choice is always first to consider, depending on your workplace. Different materials will accommodate different tasks.
Now let’s take a look at what risks you will face at worksite:
1, Cuts and Punctures

In some working cases such as landscaping, gardening, carpentry, cooking, and metalworking jobs you need puncture-resistant gloves. Meanwhile, if you handle a lot with cutting risky work, you need cutting-resistant gloves, they can help to reduce the risk you slice your hands.
Then the material choice is also very important, you need to consider the right thickness and padding for your job. For example, the leather glove may be your right choice to protect you from splinters but could be also more complex, like padded fingers or knuckle guards.
2, Heat and Cold
A task that may involve heat, like welding and metalworking, or other jobs that need you to work in cold weather outside. In those cases, the gloves that are heat or cold-resistant will meet your working environment requirement. The heat-resistant gloves can protect your hands against heat burning or sparks, due to their durable and fire-resistant material. As we can always find persons operating in metalworking will wear special metalworking gloves, which include a fire retardant that can effectively prevent the gloves from igniting. The cold-resistant gloves are with cold insulation stuff inserted inside to protect your hand from the cold.
3, Electricity
Some jobs may ask you to operate with electric equipment, such as an electric engineer. They will have contact with the current active equipment, which will lead to an electric shock. So gloves made of material like leather or rubber will be an obligation as those materials will reduce the chance of getting an electric shock. In this case, it’s absolutely not allowed to wear metal material-made gloves.
How to Choose the Right Size of Work Gloves?
It’s crucial to choose the right size of work glove for effectively increasing your productivity and protecting hand safety, below are those tips you need to know when purchasing the labor gloves:
1. Measure your hand size:
- Measure around the widest part of your palm (excluding the thumb) by using a flexible tape measure
- Then you need to compare your palm size with the glove size chart provided by the glove manufacturers to determine which is your appropriate glove size.
2. Consider glove material and purpose:
- Different materials and the different workmanship of safety gloves will also affect the wearing feeling
- Then you have to consider your real application, based on the application you choose the work gloves type, such as gloves for anti-cut, chemically protected gloves, or antistatic gloves. Etc.
3. Try on the Gloves:
- Remember to try on the gloves to make sure they just fit properly and you don’t feel too loose or too tight when moving your finger inside.
- Make sure the gloves cover the required protection area in length
4. Refer to the user reviews and recommendations:
- From the other user’s reviews, you can learn about feedback about the glove sizes. Some manufacturers might run smaller or larger than usual, so user feedback can serve as useful information.
What are the Best Types of Work Gloves?
Leather Work Gloves

Leather gloves can give good protection against cuts, and burns. and heat or cold. They are normally thicker than most other gloves and are mostly used by welding men under risky working conditions with spark and burns, in addition, those leather gloves have also a better gripping feeling to makes them excellent for landscaping work as well.
the leather welding gloves differ from the ones you may use for plant trimming in the thickness of the leather and its suppleness. The building trader used leather gloves tend to be thinner leather that can protect against thorns and scrapes.
The leather gloves then can also dry out over time, if you leave them out in the sun after your hard work, you will find them dry after a few hours without sweaters anymore. The leather gloves are a good option for the summer season when you work outside in the sun, you just need a pair of thinner and breathable leather gloves to help you out.
Insulating Rubber Gloves
The insulating rubber gloves provide protection against electrical conductivity and electrical burns. But before you place order, make sure to check the rating on Amazon or eBay, and choose the ones rated for level of current.
When dealing with high voltages, you may want electrical-resistant gloves that are well-tested by reliable factories. They must be in compliance with EN/IEC or ASTM standards.
Protective or Padded Work Gloves
Beyond cut resistance and insulation, sometimes you just want a glove that protects your hands. For this, we love padded gloves that include rubberized protective points for your knuckles and fingers. These gloves come in a variety of styles and levels of protection. Make a habit of trying on several pairs to see what works for you.

Finding suitable labor gloves for you is not as simple as buying shoes in the shop. You need to take into consideration all aspects, like durability, dexterity, protection, or comfort. If you want more advice on finding the perfect work gloves? Contact us for more information!