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Request for QuotationsChoose the desiccant & sorbent by types
There are some types of desiccant and sorbent. For solid sorbent, you can choose Molecular Sieves Desiccant, Silica Gel Desiccant, Activated Alumina Desiccant, Activated Carbon Desiccant, etc. For dry desiccant, you can choose Chemical Desiccant, Physical Desiccant. Also there are Static Drying and Dynamic Drying for you to choose. Buy desiccant packs for sale now!
Choose the desiccant & sorbent by shapes
Desiccant and sorbent are usually made in different shapes. There are bead desiccant and sorbent, sphere desiccant and sorbent, pellet desiccant and sorbent, ball desiccant and sorbent, cylinder desiccant and sorbent, etc. For more information, please contact our desiccant and absorbent suppliers here!